Zahid Nawaz
Amount to spend: Ł100,000 Mr Nawaz said he preferred to invest in sterling rather than euros because “there are currently more funds available in the UK in sterling than euros – although this could change”. Amount (Ł) - Fund 4600 - Deutsche UK Blue Chip (UK equities) 13,800 - HSBC UK Growth & Income (UK equities) 2900 - HSBC European Growth (European equities) 9200 - JPMF Premier Equity Growth (UK equities) 11,400 - Merrill Lynch UK Dynamic (UK equities) 4600 - Invesco GT UK Income & Growth (UK equities) 9100 - Schroder UK Equity (UK equities) 2500 - Dresdner RCM North America (US equities) 2500 - Fidelity American (US equities) 2500 - ACM American Growth (US equities) 3300 - Aegon American (US equities) 1400 - Martin Currie Japan (Japanese equities) 1800 - Henderson Pacific Capital Growth (Pacific equities) 10,000 - Aberdeen Sterling Bond (UK fixed interest) 4200 - Credit Suisse Transatlantic (US equities) 8600 - Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond (UK fixed interest) 2900 - Threadneedle European Select Growth (European equities) 2400 - Norwich Corporate Bonds (UK fixed income) 2300 - Old Mutual UK Select Small Companies (UK smaller companies) “At this level of funds, indeed generally up to Ł150k, we recommend a diversified investment approach. The funds are selected on the basis of both quantitative and qualitative criteria – we begin with a quantitative screening process, and then follow this up with detailed questioning of both the investment group and the fund managers. The regional weightings are based on our current view of the likely long-term prospects for world economies and markets. We look for outstanding investment companies, leading names with a strong management team, quality research and an overall track record of consistent long-term performance.”