Methodology - Global Private Banking Awards 2014

Global Private Banking Awards’ Objectives
Global Private Banking Awards’ Objective: To gather qualitative and quantitative information from private banking groups to be able to give a set of awards for excellence.
2014 awards
The application process for this year’s awards is now open. To request an entry form please contact Elisa Trovato, Deputy Editor, PWM
Tel: + 44 (0) 207 7756374
From May to July each year, private banks operating globally or in one or more of the following regions (Europe, Asia, North America, Middle East, Latin America and Africa) are invited to take part in the Global Private Banking Awards. Each institution has to provide growth and performance measures and an executive summary, which should explain the reasons why the private bank deserves to win in the category/ies it has applied for.
The submissions will be judged by an expert panel of fifteen industry professionals based in North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East (see judges’ bios).
A significant input in the evaluation of the quantitative aspects of the private banking groups will be provided by the annual private banking key performance indicators Benchmark study, carried out by Scorpio Partnership.