Alex Borer
“Our initial portfolio reflects a somewhat cautious outlook for financial markets. Although equity markets are deeply oversold and offer selectively compelling value, the downtrends are not yet broken. A capitulation move or a promising base building process would increase our risk appetite for equities. The continued deleveraging process of distressed market participants drove credit spreads into uncharted territory. We believe that current prices reflect very negative fundamentals and therefore attractive upside potential. Our asset allocation is: fixed income 46 per cent, equity 34 per cent, alternative asset classes 20 per cent.”
20,000 Lyxor ETF EuroMTS 3-5Y (government bonds EUR)
7,000 LGT Bond Fund Global Inflation Linked EUR B (inflation linked bonds)
6,000 LGT Multi Manager Bond Emerging Markets USD B (global emerging market bonds)
6,000 Reichmuth Matterhorn EUR (hedge funds)
5,000 JPM Global Convertibles EUR (global convertible bonds)
5,000 Cazenove Pan Europe Fund A (pan European equity)
5,000 MFS Meridian European Value Fund A1 Acc (pan European equity)
5,000 LGT Multi Manager Equity North America USD B (US equity)
5,000 Powershares S&P 500 Buywrite (US equity)
5,000 LGT Equity Fund Global Sector Trends USD B (global equity)
5,000 Nomura Topix ETF (Japan equity)
5,000 Schroder Alternative Solutions (commodity)
4,000 LGT Bond Fund Global EUR (global bonds)
4,000 JB Global High Yield Bond Fund EUR (global high yield bonds)
4,000 ACL Alternative Fund Euro Share Class A (hedge funds)
3,000 Clariden Leu (CH) Cat Bond Fund EUR (cat bonds)
2,000 Fidelity Funds South East Asia A USD (Asia Pacific equity)
2,000 LGT Multi Manager Equity Emerging Markets USD B (emerging market equity)
2,000 SVG Capital (listed private equity)