Dario Brandolini
“The asset allocation of our portfolio is quite neutral between equities and bond. On the bond side, although the euro bond investment is still predominant, the portfolio is also invested in total return bond funds as well as foreign currency bond fund, in particular sterling pound and dollar fund for diversification needs. The equity side is more invested in defensive themes or in funds with a defensive style. The only aggressive theme that remains in the portfolio is energy, as hedging towards expected raising oil prices and geopolitical uncertainty.”
Amount (E) Fund
10,000 AXA WF Euro Bond 10+LT
10,000 INVESCO Bond Return Plus II - A
10,000 JPMF Europe Bond
10,000 MLIIF Euro Bond – Eur
6,000 INVESCO Sterling Bond
5,000 Vontobel US Value Equities
4,000 JPMF US Dynamic
4,000 Vontobel European Value
3,000 CS Global Food
3,000 MS Global Brands
3,000 UBAM NB US Value Eq.
3,000 Vitruvius US Eq.
3,000 JPMF Euro Dynamic Megacap
3,000 Soge US Relative Value
3,000 IXIS Oakmark Global Value
2,000 AMEX Currency Alpha Plus
2,000 Pictet Water Fund R
2,000 MLIIF World Energy
2,000 FT Global Fund
2,000 JPMF Global HealthTech
2,000 Henderson Pan European Eq.
2,000 Vitruvius Japanese EUR Hedged
2,000 Invesco Global Bond
2,000 Henderson Japanese Eq.
2,000 IXIS AMA Pacific Rim Equities