David Bulteel
“Oil and rising US interest rates remain key concerns. Provided the inflation scare proves to be a false alarm, rising rates worldwide this year should be a reassurance that growth is intact rather than a worry that inflation needs to be combated. Equities look attractive if earnings continue to grow and bonds are still uncompetitive with cash. Consequently, a patient approach is recommended, favouring real assets (property and equities), with an accent on quality.”
Amount (E) Fund
16,575 Gartmore CSF Continental Europe (large cap)
14,500 Fidelity Funds European Bond Fund
12,500 Gartmore CSF European Bond
11,675 Investec GSF Continental European Equity
11,650 Henderson Horizon Continental European Equity
10,000 Baring European Bond Fund
5375 Credit Suisse USA Equity
5375 GAM Star American Focus (equity)
3200 Lazard UK Equity
2650 Mellon Newton Asian Equity Portfolio
2500 Findlay Park US Smaller Companies
2000 Martin Currie Japan Fund (equity)
2000 Cash