“With the impending holiday period, the old expression ‘sell in May and go away’ comes to mind. The economic climate makes it hard to see how markets can make much progress in the short term. Many people, one suspects, would be more interested in the cricket result than whether the Bank of England drops interest rates. The portfolio has been constructed with the long term in mind, and the heavy cash position reflects the uncertainties that abound.” Amount (E) - Fund 22,075 - Cash 12,500 - Fidelity Funds European Bond Fund 12,500 - Gartmore CSF European Bond 11,675 - Gartmore CSF Continental Europe (small cap) 11,675 - Investec GSF Continental European (equity) 11,650 - Henderson Horizon Continental European Equity 5375 - Credit Suisse USA Equity 5375 - GAM Star American Focus (equity) 3200 - Lazard UK Equity 2650 - Mellon Newton Asian Equity Portfolio 1325 - Martin Currie Japan Fund (equity)