Gary Potter and Rob Burdett
“What a month! Such turbulent conditions make strategy perhaps more important than fund selection over short periods and our overall defensiveness helped out. Anticipating continuing difficult conditions we have become more cautious in the short term in the fixed income environment adding to government bonds versus corporates. Within fund selections, Coupland Cardiff Japan is replaced by Morant Wright to introduce a further degree of balance sheet safety into what remains nevertheless one of our more favoured market areas. Relatively speaking, fund selection results were generally good within sector.”
15,000 Blackrock Absolute Alpha (absolute return)
13,000 Thames River Global Bond EUR (global sovereign fixed)
10,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Companies (US equity)
10,000 Invesco Sterling Bond (sterling fixed)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Management Japan (Japan equity)
7,000 Thames River High Income EUR (global credit)
6,000 IVI European (pan-Europe equity)
6,000 Nevsky Global Emerging Markets Fund (GEM equity)
5,000 Cazenove European (Europe ex-UK equity)
5,000 Neptune European Growth (pan-Europe equity)
5,000 Rensburg UK Managers' Focus (UK equity)
4,000 MW Japan (Japan equity)
4,000 Veritas Asian Fund (Asia Pacific equity)
2,000 Old Mutual Dublin UK Select Smaller Cos (UK equity)