Marjolijn Breeuwer
“We made a few changes to our fixed income portfolio, where we added Advent Global Convertible Securities Strategy. This portfolio is managed by Advent’s specialist team, led by CIO Tracy Maitland. Each of the portfolio managers within this specialist convertibles house has many years of experience and exceptionally good track records. Convertible bonds have been through a turbulent shake out and now offer more attractive risk-return qualities. By adding this to our fixed income portfolio we will be well-positioned in the current investment environment, where it is still difficult to achieve attractive returns.”
Amount (E) Fund
10,000 ABN AMRO Europe Bond (European bonds)
9,000 Pimco Total Return (US fixed income)
7,500 ARS – Directional Managers (Hedge fund of funds)
7,500 ARS – Long/Short (Hedge fund of funds; long/short managers)
7,500 ARS – Market Neutral (Hedge fund of funds; market neutral)
7,500 Insinger de Beaufort Alchemy N.V (Europe long/short)
6,000 Advent Global Convertibles Securities Strategy (convertible bonds)
5,000 Thames River Global Bond (Global Fixed Income)
4,000 Artemis European Growth (Continental-European core)
4,000 JO Hambro Cont European (large and mid-cap blend, pragmatic)
4,000 Odey Pan European (Top-down Pan-European. Theme driven.)
3,000 IdB Equity Income (European equity - high dividend)
3,000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets (Equities - emerging markets)
2,500 Aberdeen Asia Pacific (Asia ex. Japan core)
2,500 Invesco Perpetual High Income (UK core (income))
2,000 First State Asia Pacific Leaders (Asia ex Japan core)
2,000 Standard Life UK Equity High Income (UK core (income))
1,900 Polar Capital Japan (Japan equity – midcap and growth stock bias)
1,900 Schroder Tokyo (Japan equity core)
1,500 Genus 15 (Continental European focussed long/short)
1,500 Henderson Pan European Smaller Companies
1,500 Rodina Fund (Focused Global ex-US small/midcap. Long/short)
1,400 Cambrian (Focused US small/ mid cap portfolio
1,300 Cazenove UK Growth & Income (UK top-down; flexible)
1,000 Legg Mason Japan Equity (Japan small cap)
1,000 Orbis Japan (Japan equity)