Peter Fitzgerald
“The past month saw a significant change to the portfolio as we reviewed every holding as well as our geographical and asset allocation. This resulted in a number of changes, such as the introduction of a number of opportunity funds, including SIM Global Best Ideas, where we delegate certain short-term tactical asset allocation decisions to a specialist manager, and the Schroder Agriculture Fund, which provides exposure to soft commodities. Other notable changes were a reduction in the allocation to both Japan and US equities, and an increase in the allocation to Emerging Markets.”
12,500 ARS - Directional Managers
12,500 ARS - Market Neutral
10,000 ABN AMRO Europe Bond
10,000 Pimco Total Return
7,000 IdB Equity Income
5,000 Advent Global Convertibles Securities Strategy
5,000 AXA-Rosenberg US Equity Alpha
5,000 IdB Alchemy N.V.
5,000 IdB Real Estate Equity
5,000 Wellington US Research
4,000 First State Asia Pacific Leaders
4,000 Thames River Emerging Markets
3,500 Artemis European Growth
3,500 Odey Pan European
2,000 Invesco Perpetual High Income
2,000 Schroder Agriculture
2,000 Schroder Tokyo
2,000 SIM Global Best Ideas