Pierre Bonart
“In our last review, we mentioned the technical doubts behind the second quarter rebound, despite a medium-term environment still supportive for risky assets, especially equities, with strong risk appetites, plentiful liquidity and low inflation implying no necessary painful monetary restraint. We therefore had taken some profits on equities in favour of our alternative exposure. We keep this stance unchanged this month, while we continue to advocate a fairly balanced mix of styles with a specific focus on the quality of corporate earnings. We also continue to prefer large caps to small caps.”
Amount (E) Fund
30,000 L Multi Hedge
15,000 Louvre Multi Select Global Bond Fund
5,000 Europe Value
5,000 Legg Mason America Value
5,000 US Select Growth (US Conservative Growth)
5,000 AXA World Talents
5,000 Comgest Asia
5,000 SG Japan Core Alpha
5,000 L Convertibles
5,000 Louvre Multi Select Emerging Markets Equity Fund
5,000 OPA Monde
5,000 Renaissance Europe
2,500 MLIIF World Energy Fund
2,500 MLIIF World Mining Fund