Robert Burdett
“July brought more difficult conditions for investors with most markets losing ground - the UK being the safe haven in euro terms. The worst hit was Japan due to yen issues and worries over small caps and domestic growth. This month we take the opportunity to increase our exposure to Continental Europe as valuations look better in the short term against a more stable interest rate outlook for the EU.”
Amount (E) Fund
22000 Credit Suisse Bond Lux Target Return Euro (Total return, long-only)
13000 Thames River Global Bond (Total return OECD bonds)
12000 Jo Hambro Capital Management Continental European (European blend sector driven equity)
12000 Schroder ISF European Alpha (pan-European GARP)
10000 Mellon UG Global Bond (global macro bonds)
9000 Baring High Yield Bond (high yield debt)
5000 JO Hambro Capital Management UK Growth
5000 Atlantis Japanese Opportunities (Japanese Garp equity small cap)
4000 BDT Invest Asia (equity)
3000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets (pragmatic emerging equity)
2000 Legg Mason Strategic Value (US large-cap value)
2000 Franklin Mutual Beacon (mixed asset/approach, total return)
1000 GAM Star America Focus (US large-cap blend)