Robert Burdett
“It was all change in January with global bonds outperforming euro bonds and UK and US equities outperforming euro equities. This favours our asset allocation standpoint and no changes were made to our allocations. Within funds chosen, our equity holdings performed well. Last month’s star performer Close Finsbury Japan lost its manager, and we made the change from Close Finsbury to Atlantis Japan Opportunities. We chose not to make any other changes this month."
Amount (E - Fund
13,000 - Credit Suisse Bond Lux Target Return Euro (total return, long only)
13,000 - Jo Hambro Capital Markets Continental European (European blend sector driven equity)
13,000 - Thames River Global Bond (total return OECD bonds)
10,000 - Mellon UG Global Bond (global macro bonds)
12,000 - Schroder ISF European Alpha (pan-European GARP)
9000 - Baring High Yield Bond (high yield debt)
7000 - JO Hambro Capital Markets UK Growth
6000 - Atlantis Japanese Opportunities (Japanese Garp equity small cap)
5000 - BDT Invest Asia (equity)
4000 - Thames River Global Emerging Markets (pragmatic emerging equity
3000 - Legg Mason Strategic Value (US large cap value)
3000 - Nordea American Value (US equity mid and small cap value total return)
2000 - GAM Star America Focus (us large cap blend)