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Home / Special Reports / CBI Index / A guide to global citizenship 2017

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An in-depth report examining and evaluating citizenship by investment schemes. These fast-track routes to citizenship and second passports are offered by a variety of countries in the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Originally published with the June/July issue of PWM. 


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For more information on the CBI Index, which ranks these programmes, visit 

Assorted passports

CBI schemes can prove passport to stability in an uncertain world

CBI schemes are attracting a huge amount of interest among wealthy families and the institutions serving them, but they are not without controversy

James McKay

The CBI Index: introducing the researcher

The CBI Index is the brainchild of James McKay, a research analyst and consultant

Becoming a citizen

The CBI Index: becoming a citizen

Citizenship diversification, just like asset diversification, can ensure that the onuses of citizenship never outweigh the advantages


The CBI Index: why, what, who and when

A look at what the CBI Index entails and who is likely to find it useful

Cyprus infrastructure

The CBI Index: selecting citizenship by investment

For the applicant, citizenship by investment can represent freedom, safety, and wellbeing

Biometric data

The CBI Index: due diligence the key to a successful programme

The standards and the integrity of due diligence checks form the bedrock of CBI programmes

Cyclone Pam

The CBI Index: national empowerment through economic support

If the funds raised through citizenship by investment programmes are properly allocated it can lead to a noticeable upturn in a nation's fortunes

Assorted Flags

The CBI Index: the prerogative of only a few?

Host nations are receiving applications from peoples of disparate cultures and backgrounds, united in their desire for a better life 

Passport scan

The CBI Index: overview of the methodology

The CBI Index is built around seven pillars, designed to satisfactorily measure global citizenship programme features and jurisdictional desirability 


The CBI Index: key findings – Caribbean programmes out in front

The CBI Index's key findings allow readers to either perform an overall review of the programmes, or evaluate the pillars individually

Grenada flag

The CBI Index: country profiles

A closer look at the 12 nations which make up the CBI Index

Cyprus-EU flag

The CBI Index: the individual programmes

A closer look at the 12 citizenship by investment programmes

CBI Index 2017