Marjolijn Breuwer
“In early November we decided to move out of Gartmore Continental European and reallocate the assets to Thames River (managed by Tony Zucker), JO Hambro (managed by Rod Marsden) and Odey (managed by Hugh Hendry). Mr Hendry is the more opportunistic manager. His Odey Continental European fund is an absolute return focused long-only fund with a strong top-down process.”
Amount (E) - Fund
30,000 - Insinger de Beaufort Multi-Manager Zeus (fund of hedge funds)
12,500 - ABN Amro Europe Bond
11,000 - Wellington US Equity Research (US large cap core)
10,700 - AXA-Rosenberg US Equity Alpha (US large cap core)
7500 - Pimco Total Return (US fixed income)
5700 - Pimco Global Bond (global fixed income)
3000 - JO Hambro Continental European
3000 - Thames River European (Continental European)
2000 - Polar Capital Japan
1800 - Martin Currie Japan (Japan large cap)
1700 - Thames River Global Emerging Markets
1600 - Cambrian (focussed US small/mid cap)
1500 - Invesco Perpetual High Income (UK core income)
1500 - Liontrust First Income (UK core income)
1500 - Odey Continental European
1400 - Aberdeen Asia Pacific (Asia ex Japan)
1300 - Cazenove UK Growth & Income
1200 - Ashmore EMLIP (sovereign high yield)
1100 - Pimco High Yield (corporate bonds)