Ángel joins line-up in Madrid
Ángel Martinez-Aldama, director at Inverco, the Spanish association of pensions and investment funds, will be speaking at the European Fund Series – Spain conference, taking place at Madrid’s Hotel Palace on the afternoon of 6 June. Mr Martínez-Aldama is the latest addition to the list of speakers who will gather together to discuss the opportunities for manufacturers and distributors as the country’s hedge fund industry takes off. Antonio Viola, CEO, Altitude Investments; and Santiago Rubio de Casas, director of fixed income and alternative assets at Invercaixa, have also confirmed their participation. They will be joined by Borja Largo, director of investment consulting, Allfunds Bank; José Manuel García de Sola, managing director Banif; Javier Nuñez, CEO, BNP Paribas Asset Management; and Patrick Fauchier, president and senior partner at Fauchier Partners, among others. Complimentary places to this half-day event are available to banks, fund selectors and other PWM readers. To register, call +44 (0) 20 7775 6653, e-mail finance.event@ft.com or visit www.ftbusinessevents.com, where you can also download a copy of the day’s agenda.