Guy Ester
“Two new holdings have been recommended in the European equity portion since November: Fidelity Funds European Growth Fund and Thames River European Fund. On the fixed income side, we replaced Mercury Euro High Yield with the Lazard Euro High Yield.”
Amount (E) - Fund 39,200 - Credit Suisse US Equity (US large cap, predominantly value) 84,000 - Wellington US Equity Research (US large cap core) 12,000 - Cambrian Fund (very focused US small/mid cap) 25,600 - Gartmore CSF Cont’l Europe (predominantly large cap Europe ex-UK) 8,000 - Fidelity Funds – European Growth (Europe ex-UK equity, small/medium cap bias) 24,800 - Thames River European Fund (pan-European large cap core) 8,800 - HSBC UK equity (UK core with value bias) 4,000 - SVM UK Growth (UK opportunistic portfolio) 12,000 - Martin Currie Japan (Japan large cap) 4,800 - Mercury ST Japanese Opps (Japan small cap, valuation focus) 16,800 - Aberdeen Asia Pacific (“as close as one can come to Asia ex-Japan core”) 64,800 - ABN Amro Europe Bond (European bonds) 44,000 - Pimco Total Return Fund (US fixed income) 29,600 - Pimco Global Bond Fund (global fixed income) 9,600 - Lazard European High Yield (high yield corporate bonds issued in euros) 12,000 - Ashmore EMLIP (sovereign high yield) 100,000 - Insinger de Beaufort Zeus (OS) Fund (hedge fund of funds)