Guy Ester
“No changes were made in US or European equities. No major changes were made in other equity regions. On the fixed income side, Lazard Euro High Yield has been replaced by Pimco US High Yield because the fund manager of the Lazard fund has left the company and the Fidelity European Growth Fund has outperformed since we took it up last February.” Amount (E) - Fund 38,850 - Credit Suisse US Equity (US large cap, predominantly value) 60,550 - Wellington US Equity Research (US large-cap core) 12,950 - Cambrian Fund (US small/mid-cap, very focussed) 18,200 - Gartmore CSF Continental Europe (Europe ex-US large-cap growth) 8400 - Fidelity Funds – European Growth (Europe ex-UK equity) 17,150 - Thames River European Fund (pan-European large-cap core) 12,950 - HSBC UK equity (UK core, value bias) 5600 - SVM UK Growth (UK opportunistic portfolio) 14,350 - Martin Currie Japan (Japan large cap) 5250 - Mercury ST Japanese Opps (Japan small cap, valuation focus) 16,100 - Aberdeen Asia Pacific (“as close as one can come to Asia ex-Japan core”) 58,800 - ABN Amro Europe Bond (European bonds) 40,250 - Pimco Total Return Fund (US fixed income) 24,850 - Pimco Global Bond Fund (global fixed income) 8050 - Pimco US High Yield Fund (US corporate high yield) 7700 - Ashmore EMLIP (sovereign high yield) 150,000 - Insinger de Beaufourt Xeus (OS) Fund (hedge fund of funds)