Claudio Barberis
“Markets have turned volatile again in June, following Fed and Ecb aggressive stance against inflation. Our portfolio was not significantly changed: we keep structural exposure to absolute return portfolios (JB Absolute return, AMEX Gemar, Parvest Abs return bond) and add exposure to European equity through the GLG European equity fund: performance and style analysis have outlined the very flexible nature of this product, meeting our search of active managers. We maintain energy and gold related funds as a hedge for inflation and commodity related market crises.”
AMOUNT (E) FUND 8,000 Allianz RCM Systematic Equity 8,000 AMEX-GEMAR AEHE 7,000 Allianz RCM Europe Equity Growth 7,000 AXA WF Euro Bond 7-10 7,000 JB Absolute Return Bond 5,000 GLG Performance Fund 5,000 Legg Mason US Value Trust 5,000 MLIIF W.GOLD$ 5,000 Morgan Stanley Global Brands 5,000 Parvest Abs Return Bond 5,000 UBS EURO CORP 5,000 Vitruvius European Equity 5,000 Vitruvius Japanese Eq. 4,000 AMEX World Energy 4,000 Deka Xtension CF EUR 4,000 GLG European Equity 4,000 GLG GL CONV N 4,000 M&G Global Leaders 3,000 HSBC Asia Freestyle