Claudio Barberis
“Global conditions are still very challenging. We maintain a much diversified exposure to equity products and a significant allocation to emerging markets bonds and spread products. We are still exposed to energy and commodity related funds that have low or negative correlation with the MSCI World. Due to uncertainties over the inflation outlook, we have reduced exposure to euro bond markets by selling part of the AXA WF 7-10yr and have introduced the Parvest Absolute Return Bond. We still keep significant exposure to Asian and Japanese markets.”
AMOUNT (E) FUND 8,000 Allianz RCM Systematic Equity 8,000 AMEX-GEMAR AEHE 8,000 AXA WF Euro Bond 7-10 8,000 JB Absolute Return Bond 7,000 Allianz RCM Europe Equity Growth 7,000 Vitruvius Japanese Eq. 5,000 GLG Performance Fund 5,000 Legg Mason US Value Trust 5,000 MLIIF W.GOLD$ 5,000 Morgan Stanley Global Brands 5,000 Parvest Abs Return Bond 5,000 UBS EURO CORP 5,000 Vitruvius European Equity 4,000 AMEX World Energy 4,000 Deka Xtension CF EUR 4,000 GLG GL CONV N 4,000 M&G Global Leaders 3,000 HSBC Asia Freestyle