Gary Potter and Rob Burdett
“The strength of the Euro unwound in February making overseas investment attractive once again. After 2008’s barrage of macro and micro events, in January it was a relief to see our returns dominated by our fund choices. It was a very good month for fund selection results in both absolute and relative return terms for our Euro-denominated strategy. We are optimistic that our portfolio of managers will be able to add relative value this year and the early signs are good that markets are once again differentiating between stocks and sectors. However, our overall stance remains defensive.”
13,000 Thames River Global Bond EUR (global sovereign fixed)
10,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Companies (US equity)
9,000 Thames River High Income EUR (global credit)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Management Japan (Japan equity)
7,500 Blackrock Absolute Alpha (absolute return)
7,500 Cazenove UK Absolute Target (absolute return)
7,000 Invesco Sterling Bond (sterling fixed)
6,000 Neptune US Growth (US equity)
6,000 Nevsky Global Emerging Markets Fund (GEM equity)
5,000 IVI European (pan-Euro equity)
4,000 Cazenove European (Euro ex-UK equity)
4,000 MW Japan (Japan equity)
4,000 Neptune European Growth (pan-Euro equity)
4,000 Veritas Asian Fund (Asia Pacific equity)
3,000 Rensburg UK Managers’ Focus (UK equity)
2,000 Old Mutual Dublin UK Select Smaller Cos (UK equity)