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Asset Allocation

Karim El Solh, Gulf Capital

Why there is more to the Gulf than oil

Karim EL Solh, CEO of Gulf Capital, talks to Yuri Bender about the impact of low oil prices on the GCC and why private equity may be the best investment route into the region

Lena Tsymbaluk, Morningstar

Rewards for stockpickers amid market volatility in Asia

Volatility in Asian markets is likely to continue through 2016 and beyond, but there are real opportunities in individual stocks

Min Lan Tan, UBS

How bad is the economic situation in China?

Min Lan Tan, head of UBS Wealth Management’s Asia Pacific investment office, and Christophe Donay, chief strategist at Pictet Wealth Management, discuss the situation in China

Anthony Cragg, Wells Fargo

Expect China to continue on its upward trajectory despite recent wobbles

China has a solid framework for growth in place and can be expected to manage the transformation of its economy, although there will be a few hiccups on the way. Current equity valuations could make this an attractive entry point  

Salman Ahmed, Lombard Odier Investment Managers

China’s economy slowing but far from freefall

The Chinese economy is being restructured and the current slowdown is largely a reflection of this transition, while policymakers have plenty of room for manoeuvre 

Sukumar Rajah, Franklin Local Asset Management Group

Should investors bet on India or China?

India is predicted to become the world’s fastest growing economy, while China’s has been slowing down, but what does the future hold for these countries and how should investors be positioned?

Jim Craige, Stone Harbor Investment Partners

Investors fear repeat of 2013 taper tantrum in emerging markets

A hike in interest rates by the Federal Reserve has been clearly signposted while emerging markets have better growth prospects than they did two years ago, but the developing world continues to eye central bank actions with trepidation

Rahul Chadha, Mirae Asset

India on right path despite sluggish reforms

Investors may criticise the pace at which Indian reforms are being implemented but the country should still see impressive economic growth this year

Christian Gattiker, Julius Baer

Emerging market debt adds spice to portfolios

Many wealth managers believe emerging market debt can help in the search for yield

Joohee An, Mirae Asset Global Asset Management

Value still available amid Asian consumer boom

Investors are drawn to the dramatic rise of the Asian consumer, but is the best way to access this trend via regional companies on the way up or through established global brands?

The Startup Show: 3AI

Artificial intelligence is about to transform an asset and wealth management industry not previously known for its dynamism, 3AI CEO Jacob Ayres-Thomson tells PWM's Yuri Bender

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